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Buy-to-Let: All Doom and Gloom?

Andy White, senior partner at London accountants, tax and business advisers, CBW, explains what portfolio landlords need to know about the new buy-to-let tax rules and how to beat them.

If I had a pound for every article I’ve read, presaging the end of the buy-to-let market, I’d be rich enough to acquire a buy-to-let property.

This is unsurprising. The Government’s intention when it enacted recent changes to the legislation was to take the heat out of the housing market and make home ownership affordable. There can be little doubt that the public’s enthusiasm for buy-to-let was a factor in increased house prices so it is self-evident that dampening down demand in that area should have the opposite effect.

So, since the changes were enacted, commentators have been offering varied opinions on how the changes will work, what clever tax steps can be taken to avoid the impact of the new rules and why there is no future in this market.

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