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BBC Television Centre masterplan revealed

Outline proposals have been announced by Stanhope for the transformation of the BBC Television Centre at White City in west London into a mixed use development including office and studio space for the BBC, complementary entertainment and leisure facilities, public open space, offices, housing and a hotel.

Television Centre will be opened up to the public and the famous forecourt remodelled to provide new retail, leisure and entertainment uses and access through the site providing connectivity with the local area, including Hammersmith Park. The BBC will remain at Television Centre operating studios and BBC Worldwide will consolidate their new home at Television Centre, following refurbishment.

The remaining offices are aimed at occupiers in the creative sector providing new employment opportunities and there will be a variety of public uses, including a cinema, health club, restaurants and cafes. The much loved listed buildings at Television Centre will be retained.

David Camp, chief executive of Stanhope Plc, said: "Stanhope is working in partnership with the BBC to deliver a publicly accessible mixed use remodelling of these iconic buildings and redevelopment of the adjoining land. The BBC will continue to have a significant presence at Television Centre and we will be bringing new life into the site with new public routes, spaces and uses. We will be introducing a vibrant and exciting mix of new retail, leisure, office and residential uses whilst keeping and enhancing the famous original BBC buildings and retaining key operational BBC studio and office facilities on site. Television Centre will be a great place to live, work and visit."

Further changes will comprise of the 'Drama Block', 'Restaurant Block' and Multi Storey Car Park on Wood Lane will be replaced with new residential buildings and townhouses and the 'East Tower' being replaced with a more slender and appropriately positioned residential building. Town houses for families with private rear gardens will be created to the south of the site and there will be approximately 1,000 new residential units and townhouses in total, including affordable housing.

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